Sunday, February 23, 2020

Does a Sensitive Issue of Black Peoples Discrimination Still Sour Research Paper

Does a Sensitive Issue of Black Peoples Discrimination Still Sour Human Relations - Research Paper Example The excerpt â€Å"You are in the dark, in the car†¦Ã¢â‚¬  represents the oppressive position of black people being degraded by white ones whenever and wherever they are. Some cases from the expert demonstrate a totally negative attitude of white people towards non-white ones and a kind of black community, â€Å"†¦ newly found uncles and brothers† (Rankine), United for protection of oppressors. So, this aspect manifests negative treatment of African Americans in the modern world of democratic rule. Julie Herbert’s play â€Å"Tree† introduces the issue of siblings among people of a different race (Jones). In particular, the author lays emphasis not only on the possibility of such a fact but on the perception of each other by black and white people and the difficulties through which they come forced by men’s prejudices and misunderstanding of key living concepts. Half-brother and half-sister, at last, find their relatives and are very glad of this regardless of their color of skin. Another aspect of black people’s treatment is desired to maintain contacts with them passing over senseless racial separation. Tori Morrison’s novel â€Å"Tar Baby† appears to be a manifestation of contradictory interracial treatment, which depends on particular racial prejudices and personal human perception of representatives of other ethnicities. Their readers can see the parallel perception of blacks as equal members of society as well as unequal ones. Although African Americans are presented in the role of servants, which may be fired on suspicion of robbery (probably due to their skin color), they can also have a nice sense of humor or to be specialists in this or that area being able not only to keep the conversation, but also to give appropriate advice on the needed question.  Ã‚  

Friday, February 7, 2020

Zamyatin's We Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zamyatin's We - Essay Example Before loving her everything was calm, happy and in perfect order for him, but now he is tormented with emotions of jealousy, anger, agony and fear his calm existence is shattered and he cannot sleep and when he does he is tormented by dreams. On one such agonized occasion when he has not met I-330 for a long time, he wanders around the glass city seeing and feeling strange things at the time for going to work, which is a crime punishable by death, when S-4711 a guardian who seems to be following him guides him to the medical office. Here D-503 is met by two doctors, 88 and 89 he recognizes one doctor 89 from his previous visit and starts telling him about shadows, a yellow world, insomnia and dreams. The doctor tells him that these signs mean that he has developed an incurable disease, he has developed a soul! Frightened D-503 asks him about this long forgotten word â€Å"soul† and why he has developed it and why no one else has it. The doctor tries to explain him the concept of soul in mathematical terms; he tells him that a soul is like a glass that instead of reflecting the glass had started to absorb things, maybe due to fire that has softened the glass’s surface. Just like D-503 had been softened by the love of I-330. The doctor further says that not everyone has it because the soul has become redundant just like feathers are not needed because man no longer needs to fly as he has invented machines also because he no longer needed to go anywhere as he had arrived in the place he was looking for the ‘perfect’ One State. The other doctor 88 states that the soul is becoming an epidemic â€Å"Extirpate imagination. Nothing but surgery, nothing but surgery will do___" and asks D-503 to become a part of an experiment as â€Å"It would be extremely useful to the One State. ... It would help us prevent an epidemic. .. Of course, unless you have some special